Monthly Archives: January 2017

Inspection Time And More

End of the month is time for rent payment and looking to next month.  In this case next month is short so what’s done ahead makes things easier during the month.  There was finally some chance to talk with Helping Lady.  Things aren’t good.  It is likely there will be need for other arrangements apart from a couple of small things, maybe even those.  Advocacy Lady also has had a serious concern develop.  Young Friend did manage a visit.  The plan’s for him to come next week, not this one. 

Maintenance did inspect Thursday in preparation for “official inspection” on the 15th (another inspection) and for which an additional visit was decided on to fix that matter put off in the recent past.  It really isn’t that important and again an indefinite time’s there, this time spanning two weeks.  Older Friend came extra times again; Friday visiting really needs a change.  Lunch Lady came Friday, of course, just fine.  There were no problems in the security calling.  Those were okay. 

Come Thursday Avon is expected, then the food truck in a week from today both of which take planning.  Bits of Christmas, a couple of items, are still in mind as are several other items including, of course, The Project.  The outside “sits” aren’t being done as it’s too cold and getting all bundled up is too complicated, though not really impossible.  Things are just a little too disorganized to take time for it, but the bulletin boards are checked.  Matters like the plants must be first. 

Every day brings something different in some way.Thinking smile 

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Filed under Food, Housing

A Dreary Snowless January Week

Well, the week began with an unexpected visit by pest control checking for bugs Tuesday morning.  While it wasn’t early, it was early enough.  (That was far from all the unexpected that eventually came to be.)  The loose money concern was tackled, and not with proper tallying up.  The cash was just taken out and put away, the notes and receipts thrown away.  Some of it went back to November.  Avon came on Thursday as expected.  A pair of pants are on order now as clothes are getting old.   

As Older Friend was on the run again and couldn’t finish with moving the new things in place too soon, another resident was kind enough to move the plants and make room for the new ones Wednesday.  Advocacy Lady had more papers to fill out and she kindly picked up the post office box mail.  Young Friend said another helpful visit was possible maybe Thursday.  There was surprise notice on Saturday afternoon:  inspection coming and when was described as some time during this calendar week. 

Lunch lady brought some of her kind of eggs (extra large from her hens, not store bought white ones) on Friday.  There’s no word from Helping Lady, and there has been no time to call to find out her situation.  Today was food truck day.  There’s a dire need to clean out both the refrigerator and freezer, but once again this has to wait.  The lady who might have done it decided not to come after all.  There’s still Christmas stuff left undone, and as always the Special Project is waiting. 

Snow covers a lot of dirt.Wilted rose 

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Filed under Food, Health, Housing