Monthly Archives: September 2013

Autumn Starts….

It’s Tuesday morning, September 17, 2013.  And, it’s a surprise to be composing any comments on a Tuesday morning.  Mornings are bad times most any day.  A big cup of coffee and several cigarettes are needed to get going.  Tuesday can be especially bad if the late hours of Monday were spent finishing a week’s notes as that takes mental effort.  There is no internet access in the apartment, and a trip down the hall was out of the question without the coffee, etc.  It is presumed last week’s notes got published – never mind email and the day’s news.  The deal for today will be to get ready for tomorrow.   

Now it’s Wednesday morning.  Tuesday brought words of importance.  Topping the anxiety list is a letter from the office about a bug inspection tomorrow – bed bugs, she said.  If correct, someone around has them.  Maintenance was to come back and spray around the window for whatever might be getting in….  The lady down the hall that also bought from the food truck died last week.  Food may be in jeopardy.  The driver said he only had the one order on Friday.  If no one else in the building is getting stuff he could stop coming.  There’s supposed to be new nursing assessment done today, and it’s already jumbled. 

Thursday has been a horrible day.  Firstly, it was one of those up-all-night kind of a start (about 1:30 a.m. to 6:00 a.m).  Maintenance did not come today – the date was read wrong.  He’s due tomorrow.  Nurse did not come until today as he (male nurse assessor) said no one got back to him early enough.  He took up all of two hours in the morning from someone who doesn’t particularly function in the morning.  There were two bad accidents (clothes had to be changed twice),  and the telephone is about out of funds.  Regular friend did stop, but he did not arrive soon enough to go to the bank…. 

Early Saturday – it’s morning but it’s not light out yet.  Autumn is at hand.  And, daylight isn’t here yet.  Friday was a relatively good day.  Regular friend showed up earlier than expected, got the money orders for the rent, the insurance check into the bank account and a few things at the drug store, payment for telephone included.  The only thing to do now is to tally up everything, homemaking aide’s stuff included.  Maintenance came but did no inspecting – the new “assistant” to the property manager does not communicate accurately. Maintenance sprayed around the windows.  A nurse is coming this afternoon. 

Sunday evening is at hand.  Surprisingly, friend did not really stop at noontime.  He said he glanced in, not long enough for yours truly to notice, and went to the hospital to see someone, another in his collection of people.  He came back, just leaving a few minutes ago, with good news about medicine.  One of big interest is an over the counter medication.  So, there was a nice chance to sit outside.  It be a gorgeous day.  Nothing was said, but there should be a nurse tomorrow, which will again shoot down the day and make this week’s posting a guess on tomorrow if the matter is to be approached sensibly. 

September is a month of reasoning. 

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Filed under Computer Stuff, Food, Health, Housing

Autumn Is Near….

It’s not the weekend yet.  As this week’s notations begin, it’s only Wednesday in the night, nearing the witching hour.  The internet connection has been meager for several days, but with the current computer it’s possible to again get a little online time by going down the hall to the area in front of the elevators, the way it was done with the “old, old” computer.  That does a job on the energy that’s in the scooter batteries (as before) but now that’s not so bad as there’s a second set of batteries to set in place when the batteries in use are running low.  (Each little thing helps these days, and that’s a big thing.) 

And, it’s now Thursday afternoon….  On the agenda is the food truck tomorrow and a visit from maintenance.   The visit from maintenance was requested twice earlier in the week and there was a third trip to the office today for same, which place was closed.  The first request was simply for maintenance to check around the windows to see where/how bugs are getting in, but the kitchen light bulb has burned out again and that didn’t get in the request.  Telephoning is day’s big deal today.  It seems “nursey” decided to clear out yesterday, and decided to declare some mis-information to adult protective services. 

It’s Saturday in the wee hours now.  Yesterday a trip down to the elevators for a computer connection paid off big as maintenance was seen heading for another apartment.  Soon after the light bulb was changed, two bugs were caught, and an examination of the windows for a hole took place.  There’s no need for an office trip for a while.  Although the bandages were pulled off the hands (they seemed well enough) there are tiny signs of deterioration.  As there wasn’t contact from the doctor’s office, further nursing is evidently a dead issue at the moment.  It’s back to self-medication.  Stuff was ordered from the drug store. 

Current events can’t be pre-written.  “The Unknown” (The “X” Factor) is nearly always in play.  The outcome may be as expected, but the unexpected drawn in somehow will usually alter things enough that future activity is changed and it’s those things that need to be noted.  Things can, however, be pre-published, the best that can be done being an educated guess at the expectations.  Although it’s Tuesday that’s publishing day, this will probably be posted tomorrow (Sunday) and Monday is an absolute unknown.  Among the expectations ahead (starting Monday) is a bid for another doctor and nursing service. 

It’s now Sunday afternoon.  There’s time for a few more words.  Regular friend paused on the run at noontime saying he would come back around 6:00 p.m. to really see how things are.  There’s a waiting.  There was a trip outside to look for someone to finish a conversation properly.  It seems to be starting to be a usual thing that come the weekend the money hasn’t been tallied up.  It happened this weekend as well.  …maybe tomorrow.  The weather is expected to be cooler – a good thing — but the nose seems to be getting drippy again.  That leads to fearful thoughts about what will be under the foot bandages, now do it yourself…. 

Sometimes things have to be abbreviated. 

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Filed under Computer Stuff, Health, Housing