Monthly Archives: August 2011

Synopsis 1

The backlog is completely out of hand. There’s nothing that can be done but post a synopsis since August 20 (Sunday) if this thing is to be continued at all. And, since the publishing date is unknown, this is being started August 30 (Tuesday). Between the dicey computer and things demanding attention, it was hard to determine comings, goings and even the time it was. However, from the looks of things, it’s possible some of the turmoil may be easing up.  All of the stuff scheduled by outside sources may mostly be covered already. 

As noted in the last actual entry, very late on August 19 yours truly absolutely suddenly got very ill.  It took nearly three hours (inch by inch) to get (mostly) cleaned up.  Bed time was about 4:00 a.m. on Sunday.  While it is possible to stay in bed most of a Sunday, it was not much of a help, especially since on Sundays the friendly visitor comes around 1:00 p.m. There was nothing like a trip to the lobby or outside.  “Recovery” was spotty.  The only good thing was that if the homemaker aide came Monday, she could finish cleaning up.

Fairly important things were expected throughout the coming week, and it amounted to something every day.  There were attempts to look at things online, of course, either by cell phone or computer. A “feeling”/suspicion/hunch or whatever said to check the obituaries of an out-of-town newspaper on Monday.  Sure enough, an online friend, a real one, had died on Saturday.  Money was due him for insecticide unceremoniously ordered in spite of some protests (to deal with the bed bugs); it was probably life-saving.

Some things cannot be finished.    


Filed under Health, Housing, Issues And Events, Uncategorized

An Unwanted Different

So, it’s a Saturday, and there is more composition done with notes, like it or not, on August 25, 2011.  While nothing much happens on Saturday (or Sunday) that is necessary (i.e., business of some sort), that’s the most likely time to get to things like the free pictures that have been neglected for weeks now.  The weblog commentaries at least get a little attention; the pictures email hasn’t been opened at all.  In short, things have indeed been pretty bad with all the claims on the attention that ideally would be elsewhere. 

The highlight of the day – if it can be called that – came late, nearly midnight, when yours truly became very suddenly uncontrollably ill, to the point not only of not making it to the bathroom but not even getting started. Never before has such a mess happened – all over clothes and more. The cause is definitely unknown; what was eaten earlier seemed perfectly all right.  And, after everything was out of yours truly in a couple of ways, everything seemed okay (in fact, all seemed better than usual). 

During the day, in anticipation of a homemaker aide on Monday in spite of schedule, some trash was packed.  The week’s mail that’s in house was picked up amid which there was a chat with a lady who looks nothing like her ninety years – a marvelous change from the last time at the mail box.  Entries for these blogs are carried on in bits and pieces as possible, fourth (from last time) finished with a sigh. Presumably the physical explosion had nothing to do with the blog entries, but it occurred two seconds after the last posting.

Events take many forms. 

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Filed under Computer Stuff, Health, Housing, Uncategorized