Category Archives: Housing

Now Back Home

The return to the apartment from the hospital business was Tuesday noontime.  There’s been little besides trouble since, but some notes on the good stuff first.  All but one of the plants are apparently okay.  There were visions of the neighbor asked to water them not being able to get in the place.  The newest one which probably wasn’t replanted right did die, but all the big ones maintained for a half-dozen years are still upright.  Evidently the Cincinnati folks did get the rents, etc.. paid, but where the receipts are is unknown and what the internet situation is likewise is unknown.

If the post-hospital stay “rehab” experienced is normal/ordinary, it shouldn’t be wished on the worst of criminals.  In the nearly three weeks there was maybe three hours on the exercise equipment.  The food wasn’t much — mostly grains and eggs.  The medications came off schedule.  Just two staff members out of dozens were seriously helpful.  It was bad enough that formal complaints were started with three different likely government offices.  Worst of all, if the explanation was understood right, it wasn’t possible to just get up and leave as there was a code to work the elevator.

Some changes have been made.  Something’s wrong with the cell phone.  It doesn’t work as it did before.  Security Check Lady hasn’t been in standard contact as originally set up and that hasn’t been sorted out.  The possible emergency contact to replace long gone “Older Friend” seems to have vanished from the scene.  There may, however, be decent aide service for the moment.  Two helpful neighbors — Nice Jewish Lady and one that wants to be called “Gofor” — and another person did haul in some basic supplies so the place has toilet paper, coffee and ice cream.

Some upheavals should be expected sometimes.  🙂



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Filed under Computer Stuff, Food, Health, Housing

Finally, A Posting Of Living?

It’s worth a try, but regular postings most likely won’t start yet.  For one thing, tomorrow morning is the scheduled time to get out of “rehab,” which came after a week or so of hospital stay, which came after an emergency run to the hospital because yours truly finally hit a state of collapse.  (That’s been happening.)  The apartment was left a mess because aide service didn’t show the day before, one reason for the collapse.  The discharge is a confused mess and at this point aide service isn’t lined up.  Also important, there’s no knowledge of whether or not there’s internet access.

If there’s no internet access, there can’t be any postings.  If there’s not enough help found (and at the moment it doesn’t look like there’s enough) there also can’t be any postings.  A message has already been written and scheduled for publication in The Diary’s Blog and this will be scheduled, too, with the hope that someone can hit the sites to release the postings at least for July 8.  There will, of course, be attempts to get the stuff back in some kind of working order and the patience and understanding of the followers and readers who are still looking in is really deeply appreciated.

At this point, money is a sizable mess.  The Cincinnati folks did go get the money for June and it’s hoped paid the rents, etc., but as of this writing there has been no word from any of them, while the June payment for the internet is still in the apartment.  On that, there was talk in the apartment house that the management planned to switch to some other company as of July 1.  The telephone business also is not in good shape as another loan went on the phone — very appreciated as the hospital business telephoning turned out to be more than expected.  And, of course, that’s not all in disarray.

The unplanned can be devastating.  😦

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Filed under Computer Stuff, Food, Health, Housing