Monthly Archives: January 2014

January Creeps Toward An End

Tuesday (Delayed)….  A new homemaker aide schedule went into play.  With no nursing services any more and no replacement, the homemaker aide time was a possible solution (at least temporarily) if it was divided into two parts and set at service on two days with at least one day in between.  The current aide was very unhappy with the situation.  Well, it can’t be helped.  The personal routine is all upset, too.  The weather can throw a clinker into the works; the lady with lunch doesn’t come when the weather is bad.  The site that supplies the lunches closes down.  That’s on top of other disruptions like the relocating business.

Wednesday (Delayed)….  The lunch lady came.  The current dealing with that is that the bread was getting moldy.  With the new system for homemaker in play, the afternoon was strangely free; but, friend did come in the evening.  He hadn’t done anything about the insurance check.  Four hours were spent trying to find someone to talk with at the social security hotline.  Every call announced that a waiting time was at least about an hour and more often more than that.  No call went into the waiting time, but it may after all go into that.  There’s information that is needed.  Presumably medical inquiries are the problem.

Thursday evening….  Well, promptly at 6:00 p.m. in well respected EST (give or take a minute), the fire alarm went off outside the door and the cell phone made noises inside the place.  The cell phone call was evidently a telephone solicitor if the look up was correct.  Conveniently the machine had not been put away to be recharging overnight.  The hallway was clear of any smoke.  Going to look made it a time to take down the “door is open” note and to lock the door for the night.  The U.S. mail brought a letter from the insurance company.  That matter is now fixed.  Other things happened, too.  It’s been an interesting day.

Friday (Delayed)….  Friend came by and went to the bank for money orders for the rent.  He also brought back two cartons of cigarettes (should easily last into next month but maybe not into the relocating time) and a sandwich with french fries from a nearby fast food restaurant – a bit of fancy supper.  The telephone will take a lot of time currently as there’s also a need to check accommodations at the hotel as well as business with the social security office.  Neither has had a live person at the other end of the line.  And, there is also dealing with agencies for the aide.  There be hours of maneuvering to get three hours of service.

Saturday (Delayed)….  It was a horrible day.  Some kind of exhaustion came in play after the sandwich last night, and a nap ended around 2:00 a.m. which led to being up until about 6:00 a.m.  That, of course, prompted a back to bed deal and a later awakening….  Eventually the same thing happened as happened with yesterday evening but supper was missed, becoming a salami sandwich deep in the night.  That’s not a good situation at all.  Some time was, nonetheless, spent on the great “We Are Austrian” in the Diary’s Blog.  It wasn’t finished, just some  suffering with it.

Sunday evening….  Friend kindly came by, watered the plants, took the money for one of the rents and talked a bit.  An important thing he mentioned was that the relocating date has again been delayed.  Well, it is cold outside.  It also was rather expected and a trip downstairs verified it.  There was also some more of the laying around again and the rambling essay was finished.  What wasn’t done again was the week’s money dealings sorting out.  The drippy nose has been in drippy action for about the whole week.  Problems amid thoughts are  medical and the aide service.  She made it both days, but…. 

Monday morning….  An “anticipated” entry for today was done last evening; the entry was set to publish and adjustments were started.  Internet connection was dropping.  Reluctant to go down the hall to finish at about 12:30 a.m. clock time (about 11:30 p.m. EST), it was left for morning at a dead point.  First thing in the morning the air bed developed a break and collapsed.  The toilet didn’t act right; an experimental flush brought water all over the floor.  The trip to the office did bring maintenance who argued about the possible reason causing another trip to the office.  It’s noontime.  A nice thing happened, and it’s best to quit already. 

A view ahead is only a view.

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Filed under Food, Health, Housing

January Relentlessly Marches On

They say that change is inevitable.  Sometimes it’s unavoidable.  For the present time, anyway, the format has to change back to the three paragraph one with an entire week crammed together rather than a little daily log.  It’s a case of being a little overwhelmed with (by?) life.  Just as example, the bank usually distributes two kinds of calendars, an ordinary wall calendar with pictures and a little thing about 2” x 5” if you leave the thing mounted.  The latter kind has been tucked in among the plants to mark off the days they were watered.  Well, this year not so as friend, who went to the bank in December, didn’t bring one back. 

As for the week that was….  Two things are uppermost in mind.  There is need to relocate for a week (as near as can be guessed) so the building management gets it’s new windows installed.  There is no just get up and go as there’s the matter of dealing with the scooter.  …And, moving everything away from the window area and packing….  There is also the medical concern.  With nursing services now at an end, the hunt began for the follow up and so far has drawn a blank.  What has been finally substituted is that the homemaker aide service is scheduled for two times a week, starting today, and lasting just half of the old time each day. 

In addition to that there are little things like that outdated insurance check (still not replaced) and the need for the rental money orders and it’s the third week in the month already.  There’s also the matter of adjusting if the lunch lady service is cancelled due to the weather – like today is supposed to be super cold.  There is no advance notice.  Fortunately, there is presently plenty of food around.  It is the same thing most of the time – two mini cheeseburgers, thawed.  It is fast and getting rather tiresome.  However, there are problems maybe developing, like a scooter wheel coming off, and there isn’t time for anything else. 

Winter is supposed to be fun.  

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Filed under Health, Housing