Monthly Archives: October 2011

Unstable Service

Homemaker aide service brought an upset to the day.  Last week the woman was at the door at 11:00 a.m.  The three previous weeks – three different woman – it was later.  Last week the woman said she was new on the job.  It was assumed the permanent person would be new on the job. The two before her were too good to be permanent.  It was determined that service would ordinarily be at 11:00 a.m., that is, that’s what she said.  Breakfast, etc., was all out of the way for 11:00 a.m., but no one arrived then today. 

Under the circumstances there are two options, call the office and make inquiry or sit and twiddle thumbs.  As the person may just be late, it’s best to sit and wait rather than go through the stew of making inquiry.  In reality, that’s something a person might do every week. Call often enough and one is classified a problem to be unloaded if possible.  One must find something to pick at that can be left until later while waiting. Any ideas about a noontime nap or lunch after she leaves, of course, were shot down. 

The lady, one of the good ones from previously, arrived a little after 1:30 p.m.; so, there is no need for any thumb twiddling or other action for the rest of the week, and some essentials got done.  However, she, naturally, did not get done until going on 4:00 p.m.  After the women leave, there are usually a  few things that need attention – a little finishing up.  The most important of that was done although not all, and, obviously, the day’s commentary wasn’t finished.  Better late than never (sometimes.) 

Time can be priceless to the elderly. 

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Good Sunday

Sunday is a day for someone to stop by and pay a friendly visit to see if all is well or at least adequate.  That came off okay. It’s also a day to clean out the in house mail box.  That was forgotten until it was time to put it down here.  That went all right after it was decided what to do about the low scooter energy.  It can be time to pick up the week’s advertising.  The newspaper box where the packs were put every week is gone.  The ads were on a bench (at least until morning).  One has to wonder if the new management is aware of the community telephone. 

Yesterday the residents’ association held a Hallowe’en party.  There is too much to be pre-occupied with in the apartment underfoot to be into such. Today there was a notice at the door from the residents’ association about a raise money sale (no bulletin board, although at times in the past those were taken door to door).  Today, what the homemaker aide might do tomorrow should be figured out.  It won’t be.  Today yours truly took a deep, nervous breathe and with painstaking effort managed to figure out the downloading of pictures. 

Tomorrow is Hallowe’en.  It will escape attention, if possible. Tomorrow may be a difficult day not just because homemaker aide service is due but also since the scooter battery re-charging should run well past midnight.  It doesn’t help things to be up half of the night even if it is a common thing. Maybe – just maybe – The Diary’s Blog will get some attention tomorrow. That depends on a lot; but, in fact it didn’t seem like this one could be caught up on today. And, here it is, even with more in it than often happens.  Savings pictures was a concern. 

Plans aren’t certainties. 

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Filed under Computer Stuff, Health, Holidays, Housing, Uncategorized