Monthly Archives: February 2016

As Often, Changes….

Oh, would it be wonderful to get rid of aide service.  It was the day for the big (quarterly) reassessment.  To some extent it is understandable that companies need to look over matters every so often, but the reason is to see if all is going well enough.  No need to check in this case, as it certainly isn’t as is already known.  Friend’s been on the microwave hunt, so that matter is out of the way.  Young friend, who is expected tomorrow, hauled out the old one to somewhere unknown. 

The food truck and lunch lady came all right on Friday.  This week it’s Avon that is due (and, an aide just may turn up for an hour or so).  According to building gossip last night, the property manager (who was rather new) quit.  The assistant in the office has been on the job about a week.  A lot is surely in the works with housing just in that respect.  In addition, some papers to get in touch with some possible legal services were obtained from the building coordinator’s office. 

It was learned a contact finally established last week (after some weeks of trying) may lead to some help with that delayed special project always on hold.  Results won’t be known until well after Sunday (if then).  Friend said his new routine was okay, but it wouldn’t work good all of the time.  The power’s due to be shut off for four hours one day this week, the note being in error about which one.  One place says Wednesday but the date given is Thursday. At least the rent’s paid. 

There’s always change somewhere.Coffee cup   


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Filed under Food, Housing

Disruptions Galore….

Disruptions galore ran through the week; there were more than the usual.  The biggest was based on the fact that friend has need of changing what was turning into routine.  At least one member of his “congregation” frequently needed items from the market come Sunday; so, friend willingly got things for other folks, too.  Going after his Sunday visit at noon was causing problems in home life, so the idea was to switch to Saturdays with the shopping.  It may or may not work out for him. 

Personally speaking, it was a poor time to be (very suddenly) moving the activity back a day.  However, there wasn’t choice as aide service hasn’t been dependable.  Indeed, the lady had personal emergency in this past week and was not in the place at all, which necessitated re-arranging those chores arranged for her still introductory visits.  A neighbor needed a small favor that took some time.  It’s not impossible to put in new light bulbs, just difficult, and helpers were not home. 

With the microwave out of commission, some meals weren’t done as expected.  The most irritating thing was the supposed need of the aide assigning agency (not the service agency) to make personal visits for an assessment, and the need to set up the appointment time.  It’ll be next Monday, at this point.  Both Avon and the lunches came just fine.  Young friend as well as the new aide and friend is due Wednesday, and it’s food truck week.  Fortunately, March 1 (rent due) is next week. 

One should always hope.Fingers crossed        

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Filed under Food, Health, Housing