Summer High Days

The big news in the place is that bed bugs are back and are a matter under serious discussion.  There will be meetings that people have to attend and such.  The big news on the personal front is that the physical condition seems to be worse, but a happy thing is that the research project may be in an “active status.”  That’s not a sure thing yet but it was started.  In regard to the perpetual topic of aide service, the “new” aide has said she was quitting, so another “start over” cometh. 

Due this coming week (at this point) is Wednesday’s uncertain aide service, Thursday’s Avon delivery and Friday’s uncertain lunch service.  Friend should be by.  The times for the buggy meetings haven’t been posted.  They likely will be disruptive to this existence that’s just barely managed.  With July 4 in the past, there are no holidays to upset life and times for a while, so it is possible there will be continued existence at least for a while.  Of course, there’s the Windows 10 stuff. 

As for the past week, Thursday, Friday and Saturday were used for staying in bed as much as possible in the faint hope that thereby there would be no immediate need for emergency medics from the fire department.  That service was most seriously in consideration a couple of times.  Tuesday alone wasn’t enough recovery time.  Net result there, the aide wasn’t checked too closely and the garbage not removed had to be removed to some person who could handle the trash chute (and more). 

There should be perfect days at some time.Coffee cup 

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