Daily Archives: July 13, 2011

Perfect Timing

The current (momentary) connectivity is just what was needed for a brightening of the spirits.  The new homemaker aide arrived, more than two hours later than scheduled with little explanation from the agency office, sat down, and yours truly began explaining the ways and means of her chore services.  She didn’t look where the words and pointing were going.  She started reading the grocery list, said she needed to call the office as she was concerned about doing all of it, said she wanted to call from the hall … and she left. 

Well, the connectivity is not going to last long as there is a systems’ update sitting in the tray waiting for the the scheduled time, which is 1:00 p.m. tomorrow if memory serves correctly – must look that up sometime – at which time the computer will be shut down in the automatic routine.  At least a connection is here for the moment.  It wasn’t expected.  There wasn’t anything expected until maybe the weekend.  Since it is present, it’s best to make use of it.  An email of some importance can be sent, too.  Things do happen. 

There is supposed to be some kind of an evaluation visit from that assigning agency on Friday.  It is two people coming around 12:30 p.m., the idea is to get some more service time beyond the current two hours per week.  What, when and how has to be sorted out not just according to what they can do, but according things like details that need accommodation, like the near inability to walk. That item is particularly troublesome.  The inability to walk is not based on a broken ankle or such, but the inability to breathe right. 

Another day is coming. 

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