Daily Archives: March 9, 2015

Ah, March!

We are into March and most immediately Daylight Saving Time plus talk of the special season called Spring.  There’s also birthday, Lent to dampen some folks enthusiasm for life and references to Caesar.  (Lent makes life a grind.)  Recent events included an apparently important inspection (random).  Big, big change may be in the works as people from four different offices were due.  That is not the only thing in the winds.  Friend came by as usual yesterday (Sunday) with a surprise sort of declaration.  He has been doing errands for people on Sundays but now this is being discontinued.  He did take care of a special need.

Avon had a small bag on order, but they put it on back order, so there wasn’t an Avon visit (except for the brochure on the door handle).  That was a good thing as, given the new (temporary) aide to deal with on Wednesday, there be such a state of collapse that Friday and Saturday were pretty much spent in bed.  That was such that the “sick leave” notice was almost posted on both weblogs for the week.  A really unusual event happened earlier today.  There was a pounding, a noise like someone was at the door, which was not the case.  The activity was at the window where a woman was pounding on it.  Never mind the rest.

The lunch lady may be back in service.  The food truck’s again scheduled on this Friday.  A very old friend got in contact – it does not happen often and it means one is not forgotten, which is always an encouraging thought that helps to wash away the turmoil of the astonishing disarray that’s been going on recently; he’s someone who helped much in the past at critical times.  Special friends are rare and in this case a blessing handed down for generations.  The doctor’s monthly visit is about due this week, but it’s not too certain this time (just another thing off schedule), as it seems he was somehow loaded down with more patients.

Some people manage to have an orderly existence.  Fingers crossed


Filed under Food, Health, Holidays, Housing